Know, whilst navigating your path in times of difficulty, you still have choice, a voice and hope...

Fiona Stimson, Kora Founder

That’s the mantra that underpins everything we do at Kora. Our job is to support you to connect what that means for you.

Fiona Stimson Kora Therapist Coach sitting on steps

Who are Kora coaching?

We’re founded by therapist and coach Fiona Stimson, who after her own experiences with grief and chronic illness, empowered herself to wellness.

Now a winner of the NLP in Healthcare award, as voted for by MIND BLMK, Fiona started her career as a scientist. Life changed when she had her own experiences with critical illness, both personally and whilst caring for her terminally ill mother.

This experience introduced Fiona to a life that looked very different to the one she’d had planned for herself, navigating the healthcare systems, mental health challenges and becoming a carer.

Awards and accreditations

Fiona was nominated as a Finalist for the NLP in Healthcare Award, at the International NLP Awards in 2021 and was selected as the winner by the charity Mind. The independent finalist selection committee commented that:

“Fiona is a great ambassador for NLP- we related especially to the better way of working with people going through their worst times and experiences and feeling disorientated by the process and the need for this work to be recognised and spread”

On being presented with the award, Mind wrote:

“It was incredible to hear of Fiona’s work at the Royal Marsden Hospital and the way in which she supports colleagues and those undergoing or recovering from cancer. We felt she showed a real empathy and care to all those she had spoken about and had received such touching tributes through her nominations. Fiona is clearly so keen to keep developing herself and strive for further change and better practice through the NLP skillset, and she appeared to show such care to those undergoing life-changing treatment”.

Watch the video to find out why Fiona was selected.

What we do

We offer a bespoke coaching and therapeutic (experience) that marries integrative and evidence-based techniques grounded within a holistic and nature connected, sensorial experience.

Programmes may incorporate a unique blend of Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP in conjunction with CBT, Somatic and Mindfulness techniques.

We are a trauma informed practice, which allows us, as professionals, to recognise the prevalence of personal trauma in the histories and lives of those we serve.

From a coaching perspective, we anchor our work in the present, focusing on our clients current life and how their trauma is affecting them today. Our aims are to utilise coaching strategies to help clients to build their strengths, healthy beliefs and positive coping strategies.

We bring years of experience in enabling those facing major life transitions including:

We’re specialists in recognising and supporting the impacts of the above, including:

Fiona Stimson Kora Coaching smiling at camera

How our coaching practice works

Mugs on table - therapeutic coaching

We’ll design a therapeutic coaching protocol for you, based on integrative principles of nature and science to help you explore the challenges you face, in a positive, calm, and supportive way.

If you’re currently in treatment, our plan will work alongside your treatment pathway, to ensure you get the support you need not just as a patient, but as a human being with emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

We’ll work with you to explore your feelings, understand your options and decide your route, leaving you empowered to take action.

Rediscovering your true nature

Nature led coaching - Flowers in basket

One of our fundamental coaching principles is the importance of being guided by nature.

We incorporate nature in many ways as part of your sessions. From a ‘bringing the outdoors in’ feel to our purpose-built practice, to using nature references in your programme, exploring ‘nature creativity’ and carrying out mindful activities in and outdoors, the natural world informs much of what we do.

This is both a holistic and science led choice. There’s huge evidence demonstrating the restorative, grounding and healing benefits of reconnection to nature; and in doing so reconnecting with yourself.